Saturday 9 May 2015

Big character front puppet

For the front view puppet of the big guy I made the body into 2 parts instead of one like the thin guy. This is because I wanted a more realistic effect when the character lands hard on the ground (a.k.a his chest squishes down a bit with the impact). It wasn't until I starting messing with the puppet that I realized I move the shoulders up and down by rotating the chest body part which proved to be useful:

The puppet in action:

I added the new puppet to the FPS scene redoing the animation as this new puppet was less limited in movement compared to the prototype shown in earlier posts:

Also taking reference from my 'roar' test animation I animated a new version with this puppet, adding extra camera movement and quickly making some scenery from reference of the FPS scene:

It is unsure yet if I might need a shot in between these two finished scenes as they are taking from the same angle of the big character and they don't mix very well.

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